
Anton Gasser

Andreas Hofer, yes
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
What do you mean Andreas Hofer? Please? What do you mean Andreas Hofer? regarded as I'm he has been a home defender. because the thing, the Bavarians, the religious have banned. And because they have defended themselves, they have probably had it everywhere. Only by the unfortunate conditions, because the superiority of the French was also great, he has lost practically. Otherwise, he wanted to drive out again. But the Austrians have signed a peace treaty with the French that they do not help, and they have been left virtually alone. And so he is also playful. So it went. After all, he is a freedom fighter. That was one day not much different with the blowing up of pylons. They were restricted in all things. They could not even speak German, do not attend school and nothing more. They have also resisted because they have not accepted. This is also earlier been.